Monday, January 19, 2009

No mas Coke

I am writing to talk about my goals for 2009. My first goal is to give up drinking coke. Its my favorite thing and one of my biggest vices and I dearly miss it. I have been going strong for 19 days now, but I have to tell you that tonight at Blockbuster, I almost had a lapse. It was kind of hilarious. I was looking at the rows and rows of candy thinking, that stuff is no challenge for me... I don't even LIKE candy... and then there it was in front of me... a glistening bottle of delicious goodness, otherwise known as Classic Coca-Cola. YUM! You will be happy to know that I did resist temptation, but it was rough. Here's to giving up the coke!


mandy said...

Ambitious! Meg without Coke is like ... me without DP? I figure I gave up the goods for nine months (and will be doing it again another couple times) so I can just enjoy it the rest of the time. Rationalizing? Maybe.

Robin L Greenslade said...

Wow! I am impressed. I too am a coca-cola addict. It is my one vice. There is nothing better than an icy cold coca cola.

I had actually given it up for almost 3 months, then tripped, and fell off the wagon completely.

Now, I limit myself to one a day - during working hours and NONE at home or on the weekends.

Good LUCK!

Sara said...

I thought you already gave up coke?

Susy said...

I gave up starbuck...yes I'm LDS and one sip of a FRAP and I was hooked though not an addiction but a slip up but from time to time. But been FRAP free can do it!

Meg said...

I did already give up coke, but hadn't posted about it. :) I am actually at 21 days and counting! 21 days to habit, right!! :) I really did learn something from Stephen Covey!

Walk it out....